Adele Hogan

Adele Hogan
Food Science and Human Nutrition
Comparing Food Systems - Iowa vs California (Study USA)
The Comparing Food Systems - Iowa vs. California Study USA program opened my eyes to the many opportunities California offers through agriculture and food, whether in the fields or in food processing for consumers. For students with an interest in dairy, agriculture, produce, seafood, or food companies in general, this trip provides so many opportunities and experiences that are involved in agriculture!

Adele Hogan, a junior in Food Science and Human Nutrition, learned about the Comparing Food Systems - Iowa vs. California (Study USA) program through program director Kate Gilbert. Learning about the different food systems was intriguing as I was unfamiliar with California's food systems. I chose to participate in this program because I wanted to get exposure to California's food system and broaden my experience and knowledge in the food industry and our food system in the United States. I had also never traveled to California, and as someone who loves adventure and travel, I had a good feeling that this was a trip I didn't want to miss out on.

  • Do you think your experience benefited you personally, professionally, or academically?
    • This experience overall had a great benefit for me and the impact it had in my life. Professionally, it opened my eyes to the many opportunities that California offers through agriculture and food, whether it's in the fields or processing the food for consumers. This experience is a great way to expand your networks with companies and keep those connections in your professional career. Personally, this Study USA experience has helped open my eyes to the different culture and mindset that California thinks about compared to Iowa. One of the main differences is the water issues in California. Typically, it's very dry, and they don't receive a lot of water, and they are using more irrigation systems and finding ways they can keep their produce and crops alive until harvest. The different ways California has broadened my knowledge of how they are becoming more innovative and sustainable in the agricultural crops and produce showed how we can continue to improve agriculture with new innovations and sustainability as we look to the future around the country and the world.
  • Hilmar Cheese CompanyMost memorable experience?
    • My most memorable experience in California was getting a tour of Driscoll's full operation of producing their berries, conducting tests, and doing sensory evaluations on the berries. This was a new experience because it's not often we see berries being grown in Iowa, especially on a large-scale production side. This showed how intensive labor is to ensure all the berries are good for consumers. There were many other great experiences I learned and benefited from on this trip that I loved as well, but this was my most memorable experience.
  • What advice would you give to students interested in the program or other programs offered by CALS Study Abroad?
    • For students who are interested in any type of study abroad or domestic trip, I would highly recommend doing one. The opportunities students receive during that time abroad or in that state are rewarding and educational. It broadens your view of what the different experiences are in comparison to Iowa or the United States. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to try something new.

For students who are interested or want to learn more about the California vs. Iowa Study USA trip, I would first recommend listening to Kate explain the trip and the idea of the program. If students have an interest in dairy, agriculture, produce, seafood, or food companies in general, this trip provides so many opportunities and experiences that are involved in agriculture. The exposures you get in California also provide real-life examples of our food system and how that affects agriculture now and in the future.