Amber Friedrichsen

Amber Friedrichsen
Agricultural and Life Sciences Education & Agronomy
Soils, Crops and Water of Costa Rica
I’m glad Costa Rica was my first study abroad trip at Iowa State because it helped me get more excited about studying agronomy when I returned to campus. With that said, I think after having one trip under my belt I am excited to explore different programs and branch out a little more when considering my next study abroad experience.

​​​​​​Why did you choose to study abroad?

I’ve been interested in studying abroad since I was a freshman at Iowa State and learned about all the opportunities the College of Ag and Life Sciences has to offer. I was planning on going to Uganda over spring break in March 2020, but that trip was canceled due to the pandemic. Then, I applied to go to Uganda again in May 2021, but that program was canceled as well. So, my next opportunity to study abroad was over fall break this year, and I jumped at the chance to apply to go to Costa Rica. I recently started double majoring in agronomy, so I was excited that this program was focused on the crops, soil, and water of Costa Rica and that I could dive into learning about these topics on an international level.

Costa Rica countrysideWhat have you learned from your study abroad experience?

My biggest takeaway from studying abroad to Costa Rica is that there isn’t just one way to farm. Getting to see a wide array of crop production that is so different from what we grow in Iowa was eye-opening, and the agricultural practices that are used to grow them vary as well. The farmers we met were very experienced and familiar with their climate and the condition of their soils, so they knew the best ways to produce high-quality fruits and vegetables. I liked learning about where the food I buy at a grocery store comes from. This is something agriculturalists strive to communicate to consumers, and this time I was the one getting to see behind the scenes.

How has this study abroad experience benefited or impacted you?

Studying abroad has had a positive impact on me personally because it brought a lot of great new friends into my life. I met a lot of people on my trip who have shared interests with me, as well as a range of knowledge different from my own that I was able to learn from.

I will also be able to apply my experiences from this trip to my academics because going to Costa Rica allowed me to understand agricultural from an international perspective. This is something that will be valuable as I continue my education because it will help me make connections as I learn new concepts and material.

Going to Costa Rica will help me in my professional career, too. The cultural aspect of the trip pushed me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to engage in intercultural communication and interaction. Traveling abroad is a good way to practice showing respect toward others and learning about their values and norms. 

What was your most memorable experience from studying abroad?

One thing that I am especially grateful for is that I had the chance to meet so many awesome people while studying abroad. It was neat to get to know everyone I was traveling with, learn about their backgrounds and interests, and have fun with them throughout the trip. I really enjoyed making connections with everyone, and think I took more away from Costa Rica because I was able to see things from other people’s perspectives in addition to my own.

A specific memory I have is of a particular farm visit to an organic vegetable farm. This family-owned operation was managed by only a small number of employees, and all their work was done by hand. I thought it was amazing that the farmer made use of virtually every square inch of his land, even though his farm was on the side of a mountain. He was also very insightful about how the health of the soil determines the health of his crops, and ultimately the health of the people who eat them, and I really appreciated his way of thinking.

A compilation of memories I have come from the bus rides we took to get from one farm tour to another. Not only did they allow for me to get to know my peers and bond with them, but Dr. Burras also took the time on our bus rides to speak to our group and teach us about Costa Rica’s agriculture, history, and culture. I’m grateful that he was so knowledgeable and was excited to share his knowledge with us. It made the bus rides more fun, and it helped me appreciate the places we visited more because I had some background information about them.

What would be your advice to students interested in studying abroad?

My advice to others interested in studying abroad for the first time is to explore the different opportunities offered each semester and find the trip that is most closely related to their interests. I’m glad Costa Rica was my first study abroad trip at Iowa State because it helped me get more excited about studying agronomy when I returned to campus. With that said, I think after having one trip under my belt I am excited to explore different programs and branch out a little more when considering my next study abroad experience.