Anesley Middlekauff

Anesley Middlekauff
Agricultural Business
Cathedrals, Castles, Culture and Cuisine-sustainable, Safe & Nutritious Food in France, UK Heritage Livestock, Agricultural Business and Trade in Australia
Scholarship Award: 
Behrens Scholarship for Study Abroad (France program), Jay and Julie Cornelius Jacobi Scholarship for Agricultural Study Abroad (UK Heritage and Australia program)
Students interested in studying abroad should go for it! Make sure you understand the purpose of the trip and aren't simply going because it sounds fun. Get to know your professors, they may help you with references and tidbits of knowledge down the line.
  • Why did you choose to participate in the study abroad program?
    • I'd wanted to go to France to see the area for a while but also to practice using French which I studied K-12 but hadn't yet had the opportunity to speak much.
  • Have you traveled internationally before studying abroad?
    • Yup! I've been to Italy and Australia with family, and this trip prompted me to go on two more study abroad trips.
  • Do you think your experience benefited you personally, professionally, or academically?
    • Absolutely, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of where we get our food, take time to fully enjoy that food with friends and family, and be able to see "behind the scenes" things that I wouldn't have otherwise by just being a tourist. I was able to work on speaking and understanding French and see influences in our culture that came from France. Professionally, it gave me the opportunity to speak with business owners and ambassadors from the U.S. Embassy in Paris. 
  • Most memorable experience in France?
    • One day in the 2nd half of our trip, our group was walking along the River Seine and paused to wait for some farther behind. While we waited, we struck up a conversation with one of the book stall owners. He then told us about how thankful he was to Americans for saving the Champagne vines by grafting in vines from America when a fungus was beginning to kill them off. This was very cool for me because I was able to keep up with his back-and-forth English/French.
  • What advice would you give to students interested in studying abroad?
    • Go for it! Make sure you understand the purpose of the trip and aren't simply going because it sounds fun. Get to know your professors, they may help you with references and tidbits of knowledge down the line. Get a vest with lots of pockets to keep your valuables safe. See what unique souvenirs you can find, like a painting from a local artist. And don't be afraid to do wacky stuff. 
  • Anything else you want to share from your experience(s)?
    • 10/10 would recommend going on at least 1 study abroad trip, and if you can, go on multiple! Don't get caught up on the language barrier. If you do, you'll miss out on really cool experiences.