Ben Kujawa

How did you learn about your study abroad program?
Just saw my other friends social media posts of studying abroad at different schools and decided to look into what ISU and CALS offered.
Ultimately, why did you choose this study abroad program?
New Zealand is a very remote place and one I have always wanted to travel to, I never really saw myself having another chance to come here so I wanted to take this one.
Do you think your experience has benefited you personally, professionally, or academically?
Absolutely. Getting to experience a different culture than mine and meet people from vary backgrounds and nations of origin have enriched my study abroad experience a ton. Also, academically I am taking courses that I could have never taken at ISU, for example the marine ecology class I am currently in.
What is your favorite class you are taking abroad and how is it different/similar to classes at Iowa State?
I am currently taking a class on Hinduism and Buddhism. It is a bit different then my normal classes at ISU because I do not often take humanities classes, so it is a nice change up.
Most memorable experience so far?
My most memorable experience was definitely a hike I did at Mt. Cook on the south island, just so incredibly beautiful.
Have you experienced any difficulties and how have you resolved those?
Just some small growing pains of getting used to a new environment and education system. Also the slang used here definitely takes some getting used to.
Did scholarships impact your decision to study abroad?
Yes, I was lucky enough to have gotten some scholarships to help pay for this experience.
What advice would you give to students interested in your program or study abroad in general?
Do your research, but also, just take the leap. It is going to seem a bit daunting, but as long as you know you want to do this, you will be fine.