Emily Church
We had an amazing time at Chitale Dairy! It was such an awesome and unique experience that not many people get in their lifetime. We got to tour the farm’s processing facilities where they make over 100 different products, dairy or other food related products. They process their own milk, from cows and water buffalo, as well as milk from other small farm in Sangli district. We also got to see how they raise their calves/cows on farm and smaller farms in the area, and different standard health procedures.
It was super interesting to see the similarities and differences from my family farm in northeast Iowa to their farm! We traveled around rural India and visited a variety of small farms, factories, chilling centers, temples, and an ancient fort! This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience where I learned a lot about dairy farming in a different country as well as another culture! I think any student who is interested in dairy production, food science, or animal science would have an amazing time here and learn a lot!