Hannah Even

Culinary Food Science
American Farm School, Perrotis College, Greece
“Reflecting on my experience, the American Farm School, Greece, semester-long program opened my eyes to the world differently. I came back more confident in myself!”

Since arriving at Iowa State, Hannah Even, a junior majoring in Culinary Food Science, has been interested in studying abroad in Europe. After talking with Erica Beirman, her academic advisor, Hannah learned about the semester-long program at the American Farm School, Perrotis College in Thessaloniki, Greece, offered through the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Study Abroad office.

Hannah Even cooking with grape leaves
During her time at the American Farm School, Hannah enrolled in classes related to dairy technology, dairy science farm-to-final product production, and a marketing development course. In her classes, she had the hands-on opportunity to make cheese and complete a case study related to the production of feta cheese. Hannah also took a course about Greek culture, which included a hands-on opportunity to cook traditional Greek cuisine.

During her time abroad, Hannah took advantage of the opportunity to travel. She completed trips to Athens and Mount Olympus, coordinated by the American Farm School staff. Personally, Hannah traveled to different parts of Greece, Paris, Rome, Venice, and Milan. She returned with increased confidence and a newfound perspective on the world. The exposure to different cultures, including interactions with graduate students from various countries, broadened her understanding of global dynamics. Hannah continues to maintain contact with many of the exchange students she met while abroad.

“Reflecting on my experience, this program really opened my eyes to the world in a different way. I came back more confident in myself!”

For students interested in studying abroad, Hannah advises contacting their academic advisor to determine the best time of year to travel as it relates to your interest and major. She emphasizes that although it requires hard work, the experience is highly rewarding. Hannah also highlights the affordability of living in Greece, mentioning that it is one of the cheaper study abroad programs. Scholarships can also greatly assist with funding.

Looking ahead, Hannah eagerly anticipates reconnecting with her friends in Greece and exploring the rural areas of Italy, particularly Tuscania, known for its culinary science offerings, when she participates in the For the Love of Food, Greece, and Italy travel course offered through the College of Human Sciences.