Keep Your Trip Expenses Organized

The following tools may be helpful as you keep track of pertinent information/documentation for the duration of your travel course:

Weekly Expense Envelope

Provides grids (Weekly Expense Envelope Front and Weekly Expense Envelope Back) for recording daily expenses and details as well as a pocket envelope that can be used to store receipts.  Weekly expense envelopes are available by contacting a staff member in the Office for Global Engagement.

Expenditure Log Sheet

Single sheet providing grids for recording and categorizing daily expenses during a travel course.  This expenditure log (Sample Expenditure LogExpenditure log.doc) is merely an example and can be adapted to fit your individual preferences and travel course.

Sample Expense Summary  (Sample Expense Summary.xlsx)

Expense Journal with Receipts


Please make sure you have a digital record of all receipts (pdf or jpg).