The Study Abroad Process for Students

Steps to Study Abroad for CALS Academic Advisors

The student begins the process

The student...

  1. Informs the academic advisor of their interest in studying abroad. Academic advisors are a good resource for helping students determine what semester(s) is a good time for them to study abroad.
  2. Schedules an appointment to discuss various study abroad opportunities with the CALS Study Abroad Office in 0018 Curtiss Hall.
  3. Researches program options on ISUAbroad. Students look for programs in the country/area of the world they are interested in living for several months. To some students, it is important to go to a university where they can take courses in their major; for others, that is not a priority. Each student must decide what's important to them.
  4. Meets with their academic advisor. During this meeting, the student revisits the study abroad discussion with their academic advisor to find a semester(s), classes, etc., that could work for study abroad.

Choose courses and make a plan.

The student...

  1. Narrows down their search. After their first appointment with the academic advisor, students will look at the courses available for their semester abroad. It is recommended they start a document for each university they are considering; copy and paste the names and descriptions (and webpages) of at least ten courses they would like to take. If they can't decide which university they would like to go to, they are encouraged to make a pros and cons list for each program. (What do you like about a location/what don't you like? Are there things that interest you to do and see in the town/city or nearby? Which university has the most interesting/useful courses available? etc.). It would also be a good idea to talk with someone who has been there before to find out their experience.
  2. Checks course options with their academic advisor. Students bring their ideal course list to their academic advisors and have their academic advisors determine how the courses will most likely transfer back for them at Iowa State. There is no standard/template for how courses transfer back to Iowa State. Each student's classes/situation is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. IMPORTANT: It is important students make sure their classes are confirmed before they go abroad. Students should keep all documentation showing that their academic advisor has confirmed that these classes will transfer back to Iowa State.

Academic Advisors: The process of determining how classes abroad transfer back to Iowa State, and a student's degree, maybe new to some academic advisors. Our office recommends reaching out to other academic advisors in your department who have navigated this process before. Our office will try to connect you with these advisors upon request. Reaching out to your department's curriculum committee head might also help determine how a class will transfer back for a student.

Applying for programs and committing

The student...

  1. Applies for a program(s) in ISUAbroad. The ISUAbroad application is important for the selection process and is used in many offices on campus once a student commits to a program (for registration, financial aid, the CALS Study Abroad Scholarship, international insurance, etc.).
  2. Completes host institution application. Each international university will require their application to be completed as well. This will take place after Iowa State has nominated the student.
  3. Commits to the program. Once the student has been officially accepted by the host institution and their application in ISUAbroad has been changed to Accepted, the student needs to go back in and click on the Commit button.