Undergraduate Scholarships:
(Through the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Study Abroad Office)
To apply for a CALS-sponsored scholarship: When applying for any study abroad program through ISUAbroad, as a CALS student, you will need to click on the "CALS Study Abroad Scholarship Application Information" link within the application, read the content in the dialogue box and click on the link provided to apply for scholarships.
Scholarship Deadlines:
- November 1 - Spring Programs
- March 1 - Summer Programs
- May 1 - Fall Programs
CALS Sponsored Scholarship Opportunities/ Donors:
Behrens Scholarship for Study Abroad
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must be enrolled in or have been admitted to a study abroad program offered through the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Jerry Benning Study Abroad Fund
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must be enrolled in or have been admitted to a study abroad program
John and Sandee Bonner International Travel Fund
This scholarship has been established to support international travel opportunities for students in the Department of Animal Science. This scholarship will focus on giving students with financial need or personal hardships the opportunity for international travel who may not otherwise be able to experience these opportunities.
- Eligible candidates will be of undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in department of animal science with preference given to animal science majors. Graduate students must have the Department of Animal Science as their home.
- Must have a GPA average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
- Must have documented financial need as determined by the students financial aid office.
- Must demonstrate academic achievement and professional potential as determined by the administering authority.
College of Agriculture and Life Science Dean's Study Abroad Leadership Scholars
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must be in junior or above class standing
- Must have earned a cumulative college GPA of 3.0
- Must demonstrate leadership participation
Preference will be given to students who have successfully participated in the Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean's Leadership Scholars or Fred Foreman Scholarship for Growth in Leadership Participation programs.
Dwight and Marilyn Conover Study Abroad Scholarship
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must have earned a cumulative college GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
- Must demonstrate leadership participation
- Recipients shall be residents of the State of Iowa with preference given to students who reside in the western half of the State defined as west of Interstate 35
Charles and Christine Cornelius Global Endowment for Faculty Support
This fund was established to support the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences faculty leading international programs for students. Donors hope is to impact as many students as possible by giving a professor an opportunity to develop or enhance a program and enable more students the opportunity to study abroad.
Wanda Cornelius College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Study Abroad Scholarship Endowment
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must participate in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences study abroad program.
- Eligible candidates must be a sophomore, junior or senior class standing
- Must be residents of Jackson County, IA. If no students from Jackson county apply, students from any county contiguous to Jackson county (Dubuque, Clinton or Jones county) may qualify as determined by the administering authority.
William K. Deal Scholarship
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must be enrolled in or have been admitted to a study abroad program
- Students who are participating in an international experience in Africa, South America, China, or India through the College of Ag and life Sciences Study Abroad office
Dean's Global Food and Agriculture Leadership Program: Rome Scholarship
- Must be enrolled in or have a second major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Recipients shall be enrolled in or have a second major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and shall be students od junior and above class standing
- Recipients shall have been selected to participate in the Dean’s Global Food and Agriculture Leadership program: Rome as determined by the administering authority
- Must have earned a minimum cumulative college GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
Stefan and Kateryna Dwojak ISU-Ukraine Exchange Program
This scholarship intends to facilitate a robust exchange program between Ukraine and Iowa State University. This scholarship will support faculty, staff and student activity that promotes academic and cultural exchange between Iowa State University and Ukraine.
Global Agriculture Programs Travel Scholarship
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must be enrolled in or have been admitted to a study abroad program
Awards range from $100 to $300 and are given out each semester.
Jay and Julie Cornelius Jacobi Scholarship for Agricultural Study Abroad
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need as determined by the office of student financial aid and or to students with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Robert H. Maxwell International Service Learning Scholarship
- Eligible students must be enrolled in Global Resource Systems major and are participating in an international internship or service learning experience
Willi and Dali Meyers Fund for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Students International Engagement
This scholarship has been established to support College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Students who wish to participate in international engagement opportunities such as study abroad, internships and travel courses.
- Recipients shall be undergraduate students enrolled in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences with preference given to students majoring in Agricultural Business in the department of Economics.
- Recipients shall be participating in an international travel opportunity as determined by the administering authority.
Jim and Connie Mohn Scholarship
This scholarship intends to support students as they prepare and complete a study abroad experience. It is divided into two parts, the first part is awarded to recipients before they travel and the second part is awarded to the same recipients after they successfully complete their study abroad programs.
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must be in sophomore or junior class standing
- Shall have been selected for a study abroad program and shall have demonstrated commitment to the program
- Shall have completed a study abroad program to be eligible for the second award
- Shall have a minimum grade point average of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale.
Preference shall be given to students from Northwest Iowa as defined as being from one of the following counties: Cherokee, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Ida, Lyon, O'Brien, Osceola, Plymouth, Sac, Sioux or Woodbury.
Bob and Lynn Rietema Study Abroad Scholarship
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must participate in a study abroad or internship program with the Growing Hope Globally international service programs
Max and Denise Rothschild Undergraduate Student Foreign Travel Fund
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, in department of Animal Science.
- Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
First preference shall be given to students traveling to developing countries and second preference shall be given to students with the greatest financial need as determined by the office of student financial aid.
Maktoum Al Seiari Scholarship for Excellence in Cultural Understanding and Global Citizenship
This scholarship is being established in memory of Maktoum Al Seiari. Maktoum Hamad Al Seiari graduated from Iowa State University (ISU) with a degree in chemical engineering in Spring 2019. Maktoum was very passionate about the betterment of understanding between cultures. He was one of the first UAE students to actively participate in the ISU Study Abroad Program to the United Arab Emirates and continued to do so until his death. Each year, he contributed time and resources to the pre-trip orientation, and to welcoming nearly 30 students and faculty into his home in Abu Dhabi further illustrating the generosity of the UAE culture. While in his home, the food, desserts, tea and gifts never stopped flowing. ISU students were amazed and delighted by the level of generosity he and his family exhibited.
- Recipients shall be participating in the United Arab Emirates Study Abroad Program or any successor program that includes study of the United Arab Emirates as determined by the administering authority
- Student of undergraduate class standing
- Students majoring in Chemical Engineering, Economics, Agricultural Economics, or Business Economics.
- Students who have verified financial need, as documented by the University Office of Student Financial Aid.
- Students who show an interest in advancing global citizenship
Shelley Taylor Study Abroad Student Support Fund
Roger and Connie Underwood established this scholarship to create a flexible support fund to assist the director of study abroad programs in the College of Agriculture and Life sciences in identifying roadblocks that keep students from studying abroad.
Study Abroad Scholarship Endowment
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Must be enrolled in or have been admitted to a study abroad program
Awards range from $100 to $300 and are given out each semester.
Louis M. Thompson Study Abroad Scholarship
This award was created to reward academically outstanding students whose career objectives would benefit by an international experience, but whose financial situation might prevent their participation in a study abroad opportunity.
- Must be full-time undergraduate students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
- Must have demonstrated financial need by filling out and being accepted for FAFSA aid.
Preference will be given to students whose career objectives would be advanced by participation in a study abroad program.
Jay-Lin Jane-Topel and David G.Topel International Exchange Program
Dr Jay-Lin Jane-Topel and Dr. David Topel have established this fund to encourage and support international exchange programs. Specifically, they wish to support an exchange program between Iowa State University and National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. This scholarship will support exchange programs that will involve both faculty and students from both institutions.
James N. And Cleone B. Warner International Agriculture Development Fund
- Must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Shall be participating in an immersed study abroad program (defined as a minimum of 6 weeks)
- Have a demonstrated interest in international agriculture development in a developing region or country.
Robert Wendt Study Abroad Scholarship
This scholarship has been established for the benefit of the Study Abroad Program in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Iowa State University.
- Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
- Recipients must be of sophomore, junior or senior class standing.
- Recipients shall be participating in an international travel opportunity as determined by the administering authority.
Compton Family Study Abroad Scholarship
The Donors have lived and traveled abroad and believe those experiences to be transformational. They have established this scholarship to help undergraduate students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences have similar experiences abroad.
- Recipients shall be enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
- Recipients shall be participating in a study abroad experience, as determined by the administering authority.
- First preference will be given to students participating in study abroad experiences in developing countries
- Second preference will be given to students with verified financial need as documented by the university Office of Student Financial Aid